Design Local Design a Local

“Original ideas” and “new value”

At Local Design, we carefully consider our clients' unique circumstances as well as the needs and issues of the local area.
We aim to create new value with unique ideas and provide the best solutions for everyone involved.
This is our most important mission.

We are "Local" because we face each issue from a close standpoint.

We are "Design" because we aim to contribute to society not just by designing tangible products, but by creating new systems, styles, and concepts.

  • “新しい発想”と“独自のデザイン”

A multi-facted approach

  • その街に根づき、愛される「ホテル」を創るホテルマネジメント事業グループ 宿泊 企画・営業 料飲 EC販売
  • ハイレベルな生産性と確かな「品質」を提供するホテルファシリティ事業グループ 客室清掃 ソフトウェア開発・販売
  • 価値を高める「仕組み」を創る建築・不動産事業グループ 企画 設計 開発 販売 仲介 コンサルティング 開発推進
  • 「稼働溢れるモノ」を提供するEC事業 リアル販売 インターネット販売
  • 想いのこもった「知財」を守るLocal Design 国際特許事務所 特許 実用新案 意匠 商標。行政とクライアントの「橋」を繋ぐLocal Design 行政書士事務所 許認可申請 外国人雇用

One-stop Service

Local Design Inc. is a team made up of six groups.
A building and real estate group that handles real estate transactions, planning, development, and consulting.
A hotel management group that handles hotel operations, planning, and sales.
A housekeeping group that handles hotel cleaning and software development and sales.
An ec group that in addition to online shops, is also working towards opening physical shops at our hotels and café.
Local Design International Patent Office/Local Design Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist Office that handles the protection and utilization of clients' intellectual property (patents, utility models, designs, trademarks, etc.) and applications for permits.
Each business group serves as a point of contact, and we have established a system that allows us to understand client needs from multiple angles and respond to their requests as a whole.