Cotorino Used Book Store Or Travel through Books like a Migratory Bird


Why do you go on a journey? I want to ask the migrating birds.
There must be something instinctual that has been incorporated into their genes since the age of dinosaurs.
There is a bird called the Arctic Tern that travels from the Antarctic Circle to the Arctic Circle within a year. Wouldn’t it be better to just stay in a comfortable place without having to move around so much? No, I think, like people, they go on trips because they have some kind of impulse.
“If you’re going to read at a hotel…”
I imagined what kind of books I would want to read, and selected three: two photo books, one of migrating birds and one of bird nests, and a collection of essays about wild birds. My dream is to fall asleep in a bird’s nest while watching birds.
You may laugh at the absurdity of this all, but I think that if you open the books and immerse yourself in their world, you will travel to a world of fantasy.
Falling asleep with a book in your hand and seeing dreams of birds. Wouldn’t that be the best night ever?

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